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  • TOP
  • Social Media Policy

1. Purpose and Background of Policy Development

  • Purpose

    BANDAI CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "BANDAI") has developed this Social Media Policy to define the rules and etiquette for BANDAI's dissemination of information through social media channels. The aim is to facilitate seamless communication with customers and affiliated companies while enhancing familiarity with BANDAI.

2. Bandai's Official Accounts

Bandai's official accounts are clearly marked as such, and information is disseminated by authorized operators appointed by Bandai. The operational policies and response times may vary for each official account; therefore, please refer to the specific account for details.

3. Basic Operation Policies

The operators of Bandai's official accounts shall adhere to the following basic operational policies for information dissemination.

The operator shall always aim to communicate in a respectful manner, considering all parties involved, including customers, affiliated companies, and employees. If an error is detected in a post, the operator will promptly correct it instead of deleting it. In cases where deletion is unavoidable, the operator will comply with Bandai's pre-developed operational policy for deletion. When utilizing third-party content, the operator shall make diligent efforts to avoid infringing on copyrights and all other intellectual property rights, in addition to specifying the rights owner in the post and obtaining permission to use the content. In accordance with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information," the operator is obligated to handle customers' personal information (including names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, and other details) with strict confidentiality. For more information, please refer below.

BANDAI CO., LTD. Privacy Policy

To All Users

Even if information is disseminated from Bandai's official accounts, not all of it necessarily reflects the official views of Bandai. For Bandai's official announcements, please refer to Bandai's official site and press releases.