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Sustainable activities
through plastic model kits

society, starting with the 'Gunpla Recycling Project', together with all of our fans.

Contributing to a Recycling-Oriented Society

Collection box for used runners Collection box for used runners

Collection box for used runners

Image of ECOPLA assembly workshop Image of ECOPLA assembly workshop

Image of ECOPLA assembly workshop

Operation Gundam R 2021 Operation Gundam R 2021

Operation Gundam R 2021

Gunpla Recycling

In April 2021, the four companies of the Bandai Namco Group (Bandai Namco Holdings, Bandai Spirits, Bandai Namco Amusement, and Bandai Logipal) jointly launched the Gunpla Recycling Project, which aims to collect runners from the Gunpla series of Gundam plastic models and work together with fans to contribute to the realization of a recycling-oriented society.


Used runners are collected from fans by installing collection boxes at approximately 200 directly amusement facilities operated by Bandai Namco Amusement. Bandai Logipal trucks that transport amusement prizes to facilities bring back runners on their return trips, thereby reducing the environmental impact of transportation.

With the help of our fans, we collected about 21 tons of runners in the 2022 fiscal year, and we collected about 40 tons in the 2023 fiscal year.

The collected runners, together with plastic waste from the plastic model production process, are partially reused as materials for demonstration experiments to realize chemical recycling, and the rest is reused through material and thermal recycling.

Material recycling is a recycling method in which used plastics are crushed, melted, and solidified for reuse. "ECOPLA" are products that make use of this recycled material.

At an event titled Operation Gundam R (Recycle), we distribute ECOPLA and conduct activities to raise awareness about recycling through Gundam and Gunpla by offering visitors the opportunity to experience everything from assembly to collection.


Gunpla-kun, a character designed to communicate the fun of plastic models, explains how the Gunpla Recycling Project works. The videos are used in“Gunpla Academia” classes.

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(4 minutes)


  • SDGsアイコン 13 気候変動に具体的な対策を
  • SDGsアイコン 17 パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう
Relevant SDGs

Development of Environmentally Friendly
Materials and Technologies

Initiatives to Use Alternatives to Plastic

Some of our plastic models are made using plastic alternatives. We use these materials actively in an effort to reduce our use of petroleum-based plastics and contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Dinosaur Skeleton Plastic Model Tyrannosaurus Dinosaur Skeleton Plastic Model Tyrannosaurus

Dinosaur Skeleton Plastic Model Tyrannosaurus

Dinosaur Skeleton Plastic Model Triceratops Dinosaur Skeleton Plastic Model Triceratops

Dinosaur Skeleton Plastic Model Triceratops

Plastic models produced with a new material
made primarily from limestone

By using LIMEX, a new material made mainly from limestone, we have reduced the percentage of petroleum-derived plastics used in our products to less than 50% by weight.


KPSを使用したランナー KPSを使用したランナー

Runners made of KPS

KPSペレット素材 KPSペレット素材

KPS pellet material

Development of KPS,
a new plastic material

We have developed KPS (reinforced [Kyouka] polystyrene [PS]), a new plastic material with superior strength and durability, and we are using it in plastic models. KPS offers both strength and flexibility and is suitable for painting and recycling. Bandai Spirits will continue its efforts to develop next-generation plastics.

多色成形機 多色成形機

Multi-color molding machine

多色成形機で生産したプラモデルのランナー 多色成形機で生産したプラモデルのランナー

Runners of plastic models produced by a multi-color molding machine

Multi-color molding machines
to reduce consumption of power and materials

Multi-color molding is a Bandai Spirits proprietary technology that allows us to mold up to four colors and four different materials simultaneously. Plastic models have evolved dramatically through the use of multi-color molding machines, which have made it easy for anyone to assemble plastic models and make them look good. At the same time, these machines contribute significantly to the reduction of environmental impact in two ways.

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(Left) Runners of products released in 1980
(Right) Runners of products released in 2020

Design ingenuity
to reduce plastic materials

We are working to minimize the amount of plastic used in runners. While maintaining their quality maintenance function, the runners have been designed to have as narrow a diameter as possible and have allowed us to eliminate the outer frame runners. The runner design has been improved based on the results of flow analysis of plastic resin, and the molds are made by skilled craftsmen to make high quality products while reducing the amount of material used.

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  • SDGsアイコン 13 気候変動に具体的な対策を
Relevant SDGs

Education and Awareness Initiatives

Plastic Model Class
“Gunpla Academia”

We have developed “Gunpla Academia,” a set of teaching materials based on Gunpla, and are providing it as a free class package to elementary schools with the aim of raising awareness about sustainable manufacturing.
The students learn about the fun and depth of manufacturing and how to respond to global environmental issues by actually touching and assembling Gunpla in assembly workshops, as well as by watching videos that introduce the production process, the people involved, our work, and our recycling activities.
The program began in October 2021, and by March 2024, approximately 520,000 children from approximately 7,100 elementary schools had participated.

The educational objectives of “Gunpla Academia”

■Using plastic models as subjects, students learn about factory production processes and the development of the latest advanced technologies.

■Students learn about the efforts of people involved in the production of plastic models and their work ethic.

■Students are given the opportunity to develop their own ideas about problems and solutions around sustaining high-quality manufacturing technology in the future.

Target Audience Fifth grade students at elementary schools(fourth and sixth grade students can also participate)
Subjects Social Studies—Industrial Production in Japan (5th grade), integrated learning time/special activities, as part of learning about the SDGs
Teaching Materials Teaching plan, videos, plastic model for assembly experience, etc. (all free of charge)
Hours Pre-lesson (45 minutes × 2 periods), main lesson (45 minutes × 1 period), enrichment lesson (45 minutes × 1 period or more)
  • SDGsアイコン 17 パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう
Relevant SDGs

Improving and Passing On Skills

Meister System
to Hand Down Skills in Manufacturing

The Bandai Hobby Center strives to improve and pass on the skills to produce plastic models in order to meet the expectations of fans and continue to improve the value of plastic models.
In 2012, we introduced the Meister System to evaluate employees who have accumulated knowledge and outstanding skills in pursuit of product quality, as well as to train the next generation to further improve their skills.
Since 2022, our meisters have been offering extracurricular lessons to technical schools and universities in order to increase the number of manufacturing personnel in Japan. We are working to increase the number of future manufacturing personnel by teaching the next generation about our experiences and ideas in technological innovation and the challenges of working in manufacturing.


Creation Department,
Hobby Division


  • SDGsアイコン 8 働きがいも経済成長も
  • SDGsアイコン 17 パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう
Relevant SDGs

Domestic, Self-Owned Factories

バンダイホビーセンター バンダイホビーセンター
BHC太陽光パネル BHC太陽光パネル

Bandai Hobby Center’s facilitiesReducing CO2 emissions to net zero

At the Bandai Hobby Center (Naganuma, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka), which serves as the plastic model production plant for Bandai Spirits, carbon offsetting and power purchase agreements (PPAs) have reduced CO2 emissions from electricity use to net zero.

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The Bandai Hobby Center pursues the evolution of plastic model technology and continues its environmental efforts.

  • SDGsアイコン 13 気候変動に具体的な対策を
  • SDGsアイコン 17 パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう
Relevant SDGs
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