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  • Reducing CO2 emissions by 15% at Toy Hobby business sites
  • Providing safe and secure products and services
  • Providing educational and experiential value for children who will shape the future

Reducing CO2 emissions

In order to safeguard the global environment for future generations,
Bandai and Bandai Spirits are working to reduce CO2 emissions.

Introducing Solar Power and Utilizing Green Energy

Achieving net-zero CO2 emissions from facility power consumption at Bandai Hobby Center

At the Bandai Hobby Center, the plastic model production plant operated by Bandai Spirits (Naganuma, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture), we have effectively achieved net-zero CO2 emissions from power consumption through carbon offset initiatives and Power Purchase Agreements (PPA).

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  • ソーラーパネル
  • Bandai Hobby Center くわしくはこちら

Solar panel installation at Bandai Namco Group production sites in Tochigi and Ehime

At two of our domestic production facilities, we've installed solar power systems through the PPA* model, aiming to reduce annual CO2 emissions by approximately 220 tons.

* Abbreviation for "Power Purchase Agreement." A business model in which the PPA provider leases spaces such as rooftops from consumers, installs solar power systems, and then sells the generated electricity back to the property owners.

  • Bandai Namco Craft (Tochigi)
    Bandai Namco Craft (Tochigi)
  • Heart Corporation (Ehime)
    Heart Corporation (Ehime)

Switching to virtually renewable energy at our headquarters

At the Banda and Bandai Spirits headquarters buildings and five other locations, we've transitioned to using electricity with effectively zero CO2 emissions.

*Note: "Virtually renewable energy" refers to energy primarily sourced from non-fossil fuel options such as waste-to-energy plants. This approach utilizes non-fossil certificates to effectively reduce CO2 emissions to zero.
In this system, our waste recycling activities also contribute to achieving zero CO2 emissions for our company.

Our CO2 Reduction Declaration

Mirai and Creation Declaration

This declaration involves executives and employees committing to proactive measures to reduce CO2 emissions, and displaying their commitments around the company.
Throughout Bandai and Bandai Spirits, we've gathered over 1,000 declarations.

Mirai and Creation Declaration