Mid-term Plan
In accordance with the Bandai Namco’s Purpose, which is the ultimate definition of the Group, the Bandai Namco Group aims to connect with a wide range of stakeholders including IP fans, business partners, Group employees, and communities around the world. We will strive to connect more deeply with current fans and more broadly with new fans. In addition, we will aim to foster multifaceted connections among current fans and new fans as well as communities of fans. In fostering connections with and among various fans, our highest priority will be the quality of the connections. Under the Mid-term Plan from April 2022 to March 2025, we will advance a variety of initiatives focusing on deep, broad, and multifaceted connections with a wide range of stakeholders and on the quality of those connections.
Mid-term Vision
In accordance with the purpose, as we work toward what we aim to be, under the Mid-term Plan we will strive to always meet the needs of IP fans, a wide range of business partners, Group employees, and communities around the world and to foster deep, broad, multifaceted connections.
Main Strategies and Investment Plan
Mid-term Plan of the Group
- Mid-term Vision
[ Main Strategies ]
- IP Axis Strategy
Connecting with fans
through IPNew framework for connecting with fans
Enhancing IP valueAccelerating evolution in the IP axis strategy
Connecting the world
through IPBuilding businesses under the
- Personnel Strategy
- Developing diverse human resources
- Sustainability
- Connecting to smiles into the future